Map with $1000 board..hahas...thats him

That me with a $1000 board..Hope it was mine ar!!

Ken made an art!!..Nice sia
Wednesday I remember staying at home but forget got go out or not..lol...but all I know was I did play dota with map..hahas
Yesterday I woke up early as my mum asked to help her tend the stall for her,haiz was dam boring ar,sat at the chair there and listen to my mp3 throughout..lol...but of course I did serve the customers lar...then was suppose to close at 1pm but waited till 2plus going 3pm then close..haiz,but nvm help my mum made at least $50 abv..hahas...when I went home I was very hungry,did'nt eat anything the moment I woke up till 3pm..lol..got at least 4 hours never eat anyhting only drink water..lol...at home ate my cheesecake and 1 egg tart...that was my lunch le..hahas...I decided to head down to sim lim square to take all the new price list,so I asked map to accompany me also..hahas,we went and took at least 7-9 stores pirce list and went back to map's house to slack,then I was comparing the price of the computers part I wanted and found out I need at least $1100 for a new computer...Haiz,money again...die lar..so that all lor,I left map's house at 11.45pm and reach home at 12am.Wahaha
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