Saturday, March 28, 2009
Last night till now..
Last night went to edmund's house for mahjong..on the way there was suppose to buy my dinner,so I went to mac and order a grilled chicken fold over but the manager told me no more..Sian lar,wtf no more..nvm lor..went to play without god sia...whole day ate 1 meal only,my lunch thats all..hahas...ken,yushi,edmund and me played mahjong till 12 plus then we went to eat...finally,my like supper..ate bee hoon with noodles and a cup of hot tea...after eating we all went home.Then I went to bath and use my lappy till poker with ken and also dota with map,yushi and ken..woots..5am sia...was afraid my mother will wake up and scold me like hell...but lucky she did'nt wake up..hahas..slept at 5.20am then woke up at't sleep any longer..but I continue to lie on the bed till 12plus then went home and eat my so-called breakfast and use my lappy till now..
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tue,wed,thurs and friday
The past 3 days was just staying at home playing dota with map,ken and yushi...Haiz,very sian ar..hope to go out watch a movie,eat and slack outside..hahas.
Today woke up at 1 plus and went home to use laptop till is my life a idiot..but at night I going to edmund's house for mahjong...hahas..yeah..well I broke the bet and need to treat a girl to a meal..but nvm at least I can get out of the house...still got 2 hour till I leave this house...Hmmm I had a hope but now is gone and my heart has solidify in a molten,don't know will I change or stay as my usual self....Oh ya tml there will be save earth session during 8.30pm to 9.30pm,ppl please off all your lights for that one hour to save earth.Useless u hope to see the earth die faster then don't off the lights but on all lor..hahas..thats all lor..really don't know can say what...
Today woke up at 1 plus and went home to use laptop till is my life a idiot..but at night I going to edmund's house for mahjong...hahas..yeah..well I broke the bet and need to treat a girl to a meal..but nvm at least I can get out of the house...still got 2 hour till I leave this house...Hmmm I had a hope but now is gone and my heart has solidify in a molten,don't know will I change or stay as my usual self....Oh ya tml there will be save earth session during 8.30pm to 9.30pm,ppl please off all your lights for that one hour to save earth.Useless u hope to see the earth die faster then don't off the lights but on all lor..hahas..thats all lor..really don't know can say what...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hmmmm,on sat did'nt do anything also,was just using my laptop lor..haiz,that is my everyday during evening the sky had a amazing colour...hahas,the colour very nice.Took 2 pictures of it..hahas

Then on sunday well woke up then decided to use my laptop and watch anime,then updated my warcraft3..Haiz,stupid vista made me had a difficult time patching my wc3...dam angry with vista,a really rubbish OS for computer...I had to go map's house and get the whole wc3 folder from him and transfer to my laptop..hahas,at his house played 1 game with him and we slack awhile and went to buy dinner and watch channel u the drama and the dancing show..haha...after that went to see his bro and him play dota,but I did'nt stay for long decided to leave early tonight.So I left his house at 11.05pm,reach home at 11.20pm and bath..haiz,forget got liverpool awhile and lose hope on that they will lose le...haiz...1 point behind ManU..OMG!!!hope manu can really win the EPL cup..MANU FTW!!!!

Then on sunday well woke up then decided to use my laptop and watch anime,then updated my warcraft3..Haiz,stupid vista made me had a difficult time patching my wc3...dam angry with vista,a really rubbish OS for computer...I had to go map's house and get the whole wc3 folder from him and transfer to my laptop..hahas,at his house played 1 game with him and we slack awhile and went to buy dinner and watch channel u the drama and the dancing show..haha...after that went to see his bro and him play dota,but I did'nt stay for long decided to leave early tonight.So I left his house at 11.05pm,reach home at 11.20pm and bath..haiz,forget got liverpool awhile and lose hope on that they will lose le...haiz...1 point behind ManU..OMG!!!hope manu can really win the EPL cup..MANU FTW!!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
These 3 days
Hmmm tuesday went job hunting with ken,map and yc.We went to ngee ann tower as our first stop and filled in form at recruit express,then the next stop was Isetan HR department,after that we went to Marks and Spencer HR department to fill in the form but as we were filling in the form,ken found a $1000 dollar board,we took pictures of it with each of us holding it..haha..hope it was really mine,then after handing up the form we went for lunch at Plaze Sing..hmmm,ate a suiki yaki set,while ken and map ate mixed vegetable rice and yc did'nt eat...after eating we walk to hot but very suntec we went to john little and we were playing around with the toys there..hahas.and ken made a very nice art..hahas..after playing we went to the HR department and filled in form..haiz,actually can work for john little de,but need to cut hair and yc and I did'nt want to cut our hair,so we decided not to work waste of time going suntec...after suntec we went back to amk,I slack at map house till 10pm then home

Map with $1000 board..hahas...thats him

That me with a $1000 board..Hope it was mine ar!!

Ken made an art!!..Nice sia
Wednesday I remember staying at home but forget got go out or all I know was I did play dota with map..hahas
Yesterday I woke up early as my mum asked to help her tend the stall for her,haiz was dam boring ar,sat at the chair there and listen to my mp3 of course I did serve the customers lar...then was suppose to close at 1pm but waited till 2plus going 3pm then close..haiz,but nvm help my mum made at least $50 abv..hahas...when I went home I was very hungry,did'nt eat anything the moment I woke up till at least 4 hours never eat anyhting only drink home ate my cheesecake and 1 egg tart...that was my lunch le..hahas...I decided to head down to sim lim square to take all the new price list,so I asked map to accompany me also..hahas,we went and took at least 7-9 stores pirce list and went back to map's house to slack,then I was comparing the price of the computers part I wanted and found out I need at least $1100 for a new computer...Haiz,money again...die that all lor,I left map's house at 11.45pm and reach home at 12am.Wahaha

Map with $1000 board..hahas...thats him

That me with a $1000 board..Hope it was mine ar!!

Ken made an art!!..Nice sia
Wednesday I remember staying at home but forget got go out or all I know was I did play dota with map..hahas
Yesterday I woke up early as my mum asked to help her tend the stall for her,haiz was dam boring ar,sat at the chair there and listen to my mp3 of course I did serve the customers lar...then was suppose to close at 1pm but waited till 2plus going 3pm then close..haiz,but nvm help my mum made at least $50 abv..hahas...when I went home I was very hungry,did'nt eat anything the moment I woke up till at least 4 hours never eat anyhting only drink home ate my cheesecake and 1 egg tart...that was my lunch le..hahas...I decided to head down to sim lim square to take all the new price list,so I asked map to accompany me also..hahas,we went and took at least 7-9 stores pirce list and went back to map's house to slack,then I was comparing the price of the computers part I wanted and found out I need at least $1100 for a new computer...Haiz,money again...die that all lor,I left map's house at 11.45pm and reach home at 12am.Wahaha
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Nothing to post about this days as I was just staying at home the whole day using my lappy..haiz,glad that tml we are going out for job hunting again,really hope this time can really get a job....need $$ urgently for a new computer....everyday just stayed at home playing dota with my friends..haiz....
Sunday, March 15, 2009
This 2 days
Yesterday went IT fair with my parents and elder sister,lol,was over for like 3-4 hours lor...dam tired ar,very long never walk that long already...hmmm saw richard,brian,fun yong and jen yi dad got a laptop for only $1,299..was quite and good lor,that laptop can play game 1,not average for today,was using the laptop the whole afternoon till night...was fking angry ar...tmd,manu lost to liverpool 4-1..WTF!!rubbish score I vent my anger by playing dota with map...felt better after winning 1 game and going to continue playing with map le..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
2 days of chiong-ing!
Hmmm,was watching gundam 00 this two days..cleared a total of 47 episodes so far,still got mroe to go,just waiting for the remaining episodes to be air in japan and subbed...looking forward to it..YEAH!!Rise to the innovation of humans...WAHAHAHA...hmmmm,well ate mac for dinner tonight as I was watching gundam 00 season2...hahas....hmmm,now watching transformer with my dad bought the vcd,haiz he did'nt know dvd was better...but nvm lor,to me it is like recap of my memory....gotta go bath soon,ken and yushi waiting for me to play dota with them
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Hmmmm,its time^^
The past 2 days forget to busy playing dota with ken,yushi,tay and wei sheng...hahas...slept at 4.30am the past 2 days and today my parents scolded me and told me to to sleep too late already...haiz,they scared I get addicted to gaming...well I did'nt play the moment the I switch on my lappy I got watch shows and chat with friends what...haiz,to them I only use my lappy to play thats all..hmmmm,from the day my exams end till now I still can't get a job..haiz,sian lor every day stay at home!!hope can get a job asap then my parents and elder sister won't nag at me le..everyday also nag and nag,they won't get tired of it 1..any1 got lobang for job tell me plz!!seriously need 1 urgently ar!!hmmmm,every night don't know why I can't sleep early,the moment I lie on the bed i start to think about things that happened before..haiz,but the best is when i start to think about someone..hahas,it can really keep me awake till like 4 or 5am de...everyday I only need 7 hours of sleep hardly 8 or above useless I go back to,the past 2 nights was playing dota with ken and ken is training back all his skills as he just started playing after quiting dota for like 5 months..hahas,though he lost his skills but surely he will be able to get it back someday...hmmm,as for map he is totally hopeless so long yet his skills still the same,even yushi,ken and tay agrees too..Wahahaa!But if map really wants to improve his skills he need to listen to advice,learn from his stupid mistakes and play as a team....well I also need to improve on my skills,still consider a noob that needs more training..hahas....hmmmm,thats all lor,time to sleep le..hope really can sleep ar!!Zzzzz
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Tired day
Hmmm,slept at 5am then woke up at 11plus but decided to lie on the bed till 12plus then get up,went home to wash up and bath,then ate a banana and a packet of vegetarian bee hoon for brunch..after eating I on my lappy and started to play dota with wei sheng,yushi,map and tay...hahas..played 2 games but lost second game we almost win but just that we made a wrong move...haiz...but nvm lar we had fun I guess..after that I watched tropic thunder..hmmm the show is very stupid ar..lucky that time did'nt watch it on the cinema..half way through the movie zhi wen called,was suppose to go play soccer with them de,but I can't find my I continue to finish up the show,but while watching I ate another packet of vegetarian bee,hahas.When the show ended I went to find my shoe and lucky I found it and quickly msg ken asking have they left for the place and he replied no,so I faster change my clothes and pack the stuff I need and rush to amk hub to meet ken and zhi wen..phew~.when I reach there zhi wen was leaving already but I decided to stay with ken to wait for yushi,and so we waited till were late,soccer starts at 7pm and the place was balastier! the end we reached the soccer court at 30 mins to play...hmmm we played and ken,yushi and me played only $2plus for playing we went amk big S11 to eat,then chatted till 12am then we all headed home...hmmm,tonight gonna play dota...hahas...sleeping late again ba...Wee~
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Normal day
Woke up at 10plus but decided to continue to lie on the bed till 11.30am...then I went home to use my lappy and went to get a disc from louis then went to buy lunch for both my elder sister and I,headed home after buying and watched supernatural with my elder sister while eating lunch,after lunch I decided to watch"the forbidden kingdom"...well the show was nice lar,just that was wondering how come the ancient china there are people who knows how to speak english while the villages don't...hmmm,weird watching,I went to play dota...well played 2 games and only won one...then it was 7.45pm was suppose to meet ken and edmund for dinner as edmund oraganise a mahjong I rode my bicycle down to meet them for dinner and at the same time tay and jeff was coming to play mahjong too..hahas..just nice 4 players ma,as I can't play because I had a bet with someone that I will not gamble till the end of the I sat beside tay and watched him ar,freaking funny ar,but his luck of drawing the tiles he wants is real high...very lucky the end he won $1.90 and jeff was the biggest winner of 1 port..he won $12plus..they decided to continue playing but I had to leave..So I left and rode my bicycle back home and when I reached home I went to bath and my stomach start to feel I have to eat supper as I'm going to wait for tay and ken to reach home and we will play dota together...tonight will a long for me man..wahahaha..the night is still young..DOTA FTW ar!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Normal day
Haiz,today woke up at 11 plus then went home to use lappy and wanted to watch clannad anime but it was'nt updated yet,guess will be out tml ba..hmmmm,then i decided to watch the movie high schoold musical 3 online..hahas...was nice,lots of singing and half way I pause and went downstairs to buy my lunch,then continued..hahas...after watching HMS3 I continued watching get laughed till my stomache cramp sia...hahas..was really funny ar...after finishing I went to play a game of dota and it was a win and a fast game as I told my opponents and team mates that I need to go already...hahas...then I went to the big s11 at central for my dinner together with my dad ordered black soya sauce frog legs..woo,the dinner was nice man!!..ahha..after dinner I went back home to slack..hmmm,watched tv with my 2 sisters and decided to use my lappy this time I watch iron man..hahas...well although I watched in the cinema does'nt mean I can't watch again right?ahha...after watching,I went to bath and my area was having a heavy rain ar...was very cooling but the water will be very cold..then I went to bath and to my surprise the water was'nt very cold,it was at normal temperature..after bathing I continued using my lappy and guess I going to off it soon le...Ja ne!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A boring day ar!
Woke up at 11 plus today,then as usual went home to use boring lor...on my lappy and can stare there for mins-hours sometimes...lucky today I decided to watch some movie that how i spent the whole afternoon lor..mainly just watch movie,played maple and 1 or 2 dota games..can't remember..hahas...then dinner I went out with my parents to central's market and ate western food,i ordered chicken chop and my dad ordered grilled combo and as for my mum she ate fish porridge instead...after dinner we went home and I started using my lappy again...went to bath then eat supper..talking about supper..hmmm actually it was suppose to be mine younger sister's dinner just that she did'nt want to eat and went to tonight not sleeping early too..don't know wanna last till Man u game start or game at 3.45am sia...hmmmm...see how first lor..if tired then sleep if not today be zombie
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tired day
Went job hunting today with yuen chung,yushi and ken..we went to ngee ann tower and went for interview at recruit thats all for the job hunting..then after that we walked to a japanese ramen shop which yushi introduced and the ramen there was really nice..thought it was quite expensive but it was worth it..hahas...after eating we went to plaza sing to walk around there for an hour then decided to go heeren to walk spent 2 hours plus at heeren before leaving to ang mo kio to find map..hahas...when we reached ang mo kio we went to map's house and slack but yuen chung did'nt join us as he had to go ken,yushi and me slack at map house till his house we kept on disturb and make fun of he could'nt study..aha..then we left map's house and went for dinner..we went to the big s11 for dinner and ken had to eat vegetarian...after eating we all went thats all lor..time to dota
Normal day
Today woke up at 11 plus then went home to use lappy...ate lunch at 1 plus and continued using my lappy..was looking for jobs online and send in resume for jobs application,then talk with ken and yuen chung that tomorrow we will go look for job and our first will be ngee ann 4-5plus I got the urge to watch a movie at night,so I called yushi and map along..used my lappy till 8 plus then went for dinner with my parents..after eating I went to buy the dvd 10 promise to my dog then walk to hub to get the tickets for the movie"Marley and me",overall the movie is nice..its was funny,teaches values for life and touching at the end..Hmmmm,talking about Jennifer Aniston though she is already 40 but she is still hot!,at very end of the movie when marley died that part was touching and so I did cried a little and trying to hold back..hahas..Btw marley the dog,the world stupidest what is said in the thats all for today...Thumbs up for the movie..should watch it ppl!

Monday, March 2, 2009
Fast day
Hmmm,woke up 11plus today,then went home to use lappy....then ate lunch at 3plus and continue using my lappy till 7pm,then went to meet up with wei sheng,shi qi,renee and edmund for dinner...after dinner we went to attend a friend's mother funeral...when I heard the new from shi qi I was really shocked and thinking that the least I could as a friend is show concern.not going to say much for the thats all for today lor...cherish your loved ones before its too late
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